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Cash Point
Breed Holstein
Year of Birth 2006
Height 1.65m
Graded with AES
Stud Fee £600

Cash Point is a very modern blood type stallion, who has proven to be ultra-careful and consistent. He combines unlimited scope with 3 exceptional paces. Consistently won and placed in the top 3 in Lanaken CSI3*, Mijas CSI3*, Chantilly CSI2* and Oliva CSI2*. Out of 15 international classes in his debut season he had 11 places in the top 5, and of which 7 of those places were in the top 2. Cash Point’s offspring inherit their sire's expressive movement and scope. Their quality has earned them great success in the BEF Futurity with several earning Elite status, placing Cash in their top sire rankings.
He produces quality sports horses able to succeed in any sphere with amateurs and professionals alike. Cash has numerous eventers competing up to 3* including Cash Point’s Promise, Windsor, Remarkable & Capitol Investment. Show jumpers competing up to 1.40 include Game Point as well as licensed stallion Cash Legend who has competed to Fox Hunter to date. The versatility of his stock is also seen in both the show and the dressage ring given the quality of their paces.
Excellent fertility rate with fresh & chilled semen available 7 days a week.
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